Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vacation Rundown

8 Days at the "Happiest Place on Earth" involved

Losing my voice the day we left!

Watching parades
Going on 'scary' rides
Taking a break to visit with Family.
Getting my voice back *Yay*

Character Dining
Becoming a Princess
Learning that "It's tough to be a bug"
Losing my cell phone :(

Children crying because they don't want to go on a ride (Caden), and other children crying because they can't (poor Sydney wasn't tall enough)
Seeing it "snow"
Baby with a fever, but such a trooper - gotta love Motrin
Clogged milk ducts...sorry no picture, and probably TMI...but why the heck does stuff like that have to happen on vacation!!?? Luckily it didn't develop into an infection.

Candlelight Processional with John Stamos :)
Overall we had a great time. Disneyland is so much fun during the holidays. I can't imagine the time it takes to decorate that place! It was a crazy thing to do right before we moved, but it had been planned and paid for before all the house stuff came along. We came home on Sunday morning, and moved the following day! Things are finally starting to settle down. We have settled on having our 3 ft Christmas tree, although Caden isn't too happy about it. This year Christmas is very simplistic. I think I was lucky enough to get any shopping done.
Note to not move during the month of December.
I have been way behind on pretty much everything. I think I am going to have to clear out my Google Reader, and start clean. Hopefully I will be back to blogging and commenting soon!
I hope you all have a very wonderful and Merry Christmas!

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