Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's Play Music

Last year I started Caden in a program called "Let's Play Music."
It is one of the best musical programs for children.
I can't begin to tell you how much I LOVE it.
It is such a great foundation builder for piano playing.
They actually did a segment on the program on the news.
My cousin, Jenny, was able to have them come out and interview the founder.

*I tried to embed the video, but it isn't working! You can view it on their blog! It will give you a little insight into what the program is really about!*

It is a 3 year program, and by then end the children are transposing, and composing their own music! So if you are looking for something for your little one...check them out. I have a link to their site on my side bar. There are teachers all around the United you can see if there is one by you!

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