Thursday, January 14, 2010

January Crafty Goodness

EDITED TO ADD: Yes, this is open to anyone...the only thing I ask is if you do not know me personally let me know how you came to know about the event. (ie, friends, sisters, dog kinda thing). I don't want any crazies as long as I can follow the chain to someone I know...then you are welcome to come! Let me know if you have any questions!

It has been almost a month since Christmas, and I have yet to post about it. The season seems to go as fast as it comes. We spent lots of time with family, and loved every minute of it. I promise to post about it soon...for my own records, but right now I wanted to let you know about another "Crafty Goodness" Night at my house!

January 29, 2010
6 pm till Whenever

Check out all the fun stuff!

Orders AND money need to be in by Friday, Jan. 22nd.

Send me an email at crissybug {at} gmail {dot} com, and I will send you an order form with all the private info and extra details on it!

We will also be having a MEXCIAN themed start thinking of a yummy dish to bring along!
* Be Mine Blocks, 'Be' Blocks, & Please Knock Sign are provided by Cami at From Hands to Home*
*Decorative Sign & Decorative Tile are provided by Shelley at Simply Words*

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