Friday, January 7, 2011

And the Winner is....

The Monday after Christmas, December 27th, we had our Baby Revealing Party!  I have to say for me, it was almost more exciting than Christmas.  Shawn and I went in for the actual ultrasound appointment at 3 pm.  I know there is lots of controversy about ultrasounds, but I loved seeing my little baby move around inside of me.  Everything looked perfect, and the baby is growing great.  My doctor even moved my due date to May 20th (a whole 6 days earlier! Yay!) 

Julie, the 'secret keeper' and also one of the bestest friends ever, met us in the waiting room.  She intercepted the evidence and left.  It was fun knowing that she was ripping open that envelope and seeing what our family was going to be expecting. 

Later that evening, the time finally came.

Friends & family arrived.

We ate yummy soup & salad.

Then the moment came.
We gathered all our kids.
Sydney was grinning with excitement.
Then we began to open the present.
Everyone screamed.
Then I watched as my sweet little Sydney...
My heart was a mix of emotions.
Excited that Thomas would be getting a buddy,
 But sad for my little girl who had hoped for a sister.

She actually did pretty well, and didn't cry in front of everyone.

Although later we had a little talk to make sure she was okay.  She said "It's okay, mom I will love my little brother."  Then her big eyes welled up with tears..and she said "but I really wanted a sister."  It tugged at my heart to see her so sad for such an innocent request. 

That night, as I tucked her into bed we talked about how she would be getting her very own room. We started thinking about a new bed, and new decorations (ladybugs, daisies & butterflys).  She loved the aspect of not having to share her 'girly' things, and we even told her that she could dress up the baby like a girl from time to time (*thanks Karyn*).  She is getting more and more used to the idea continuing her reign of being the only princess of our castle, and knows that she is going to have 3 strong knights to watch over and protect her. 
Boys are great, and we are excited to welcome another one into our crazy clan!

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12 people know I LOVE comments!:

onehm said...

AAAWWWWW, poor Syd! Glad that you were able to help her see the good in the situation.
And of course she's such a little sweetie saying she'll love her little brother. Melts my heart.

Davis said...

So fun!! That is a pretty cool way to tell people what you are having. Congrats on the baby boy!

Admin said...

Congratulations!! Boys are so much fun! :)

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

Congratulations on another cute little boy!! So exciting!!

Jim and Brooke said...

How great for Sydney to have so many brothers to take care of her.
I LOVE boys! I am very happy for you!
Crystal, you look beautiful, by the way!

Casey said...

Crystal! That is so exciting! :) & you look amazing! :) Congrats, sydney will love snuggling her baby brother :)

Devan and Robyn said...

We can feel Sydney's pain over here... but we are excited for you guys to have another little guy in the family! Congrats!

Tonya said...

I've been there too. Though my did eventually get her sister. But congrats on another BOY!!!

Robin said...

I'm so happy you're having a boy! Our boys are gonna have so much fun together! Congrats, and I love the party idea. What a fun way to celebrate!

Carl and Starla said...

So fun! My heart melts for Sydney, but maybe some day? :)

Frolicking Night Owl said...

HEY YOU! I've awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award ... please see my blog for more details!

An Ordinary Mom said...

My little girl REALLY wanted a sister this time around, but no luck. We now have 1 girl and 3 boys and I think we are done :) !!

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