Monday, June 14, 2010

They were smart...

We went to a children's museum while in London, and they had an exhibit all about chairs.  It was interesting how the chair has evolved with time, and how many different types of chairs there are.  I particularly found this one awesome...

It is a potty on wheels! Do you see the belt!? hahaha...Maybe that is why they got trained so fast in the old days.  They were forced to stay put!

I laughed out loud when I saw this picture...poor kid...but yet another ingenious idea!
Instead we have the plastic potties that kids can get up and down with ease.
It probably is better that way, but sometimes I wish I had a belt. :o)
Wish me luck!

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5 people know I LOVE comments!:

Julz said...

Those two potty pictures are hillarious! And really...good luck, I am not jelous!

tammy said...

Wow, those are funny! And he is looking so grown up now. More little boy than baby.

H said...

Oh man, I am just crying along with that kid there. I would have had my kids peein' in the backyard before using one of those strap 'em in deals. Yikes.

Two little lovebirds said...

Those pics cracked me up again!! And good luck! I'm right there with you!!

shannon said...

We're doing the same thing...only I am training Isaac and Jake at the same time. I'll be praying for you!

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