Thursday, December 9, 2010

Really...I am alive!

For the past few months Shawn has been asking if he could have the password to my blogger account so he could start posting on the blog.  Surprisingly he reads it regularly, and has missed reading our updates.  It hasn't been that I haven't WANTED to write...but it seems like I spend more time catching up on other peoples lives on blogs and Facebook.

When I first started this blog, I was so good at posting.  I always tried to post daily, and I loved it.  I love being able to look back and see everything that was going on at those times in my life.  That is why it makes me a little sad that I have done such a poor job over this past year.  Really it seems that since we added our little Thomas...who is not so little any has been harder for me to keep up with posting. 

Another reason for my lack of posting, for those of you that aren't my friend on Facebook, is that we will be adding yet another addition to our family!!!  He/she will be arriving sometime in late May.  This pregnancy has been good by most standards, and I really hate to complain...but it also has been my worst.  I have had pretty much no desire to much of anything.  My poor family has suffered in the dinner department, and there are times that my house goes far too long without any attention.  I am about 16 weeks now so I am hoping to get back into my groove in many aspects of my life...including blogging!

I still want to record some of the different things that my family experienced over this past year so you may see different/old posts pop up from time to time documenting our adventures.  Hopefully I haven't lost all of my readers! ha!  Check back soon.  I am in the process of giving the blog a little 'facelift,' and also will be telling you about my upcoming ultrasound!

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3 people know I LOVE comments!:

Shawn said...

Just let me know if you want me to post, babe. I'll tell everyone able the exciting world of Managed File Transfer.

Staci said...

Crystal! I didn't know with all the PREGNANCY talk on MOnday night that YOU are prego? Did I miss that or you hadn't told? Anyways, CONGRATULATIONS!

Courtney said...

I'm so glad your back, I love reading your blog!

I think I told you on Facebook, but just in case I didn't, congrats on the pregnancy, that is so exciting!!!

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