Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday - The Laundry Room

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

I did get this done yesterday, but didn't have time to post it. But I worked hard on it so here it is! The laundry room has gotten way out of control! I hate to iron so the pile kept getting larger. I hadn't swept in there in who knows how long. Dust had accumulated everywhere!Things that should have been somewhere else somehow found a room in here. I am pretty embarrassed to show this, but oh well. I dove in and did all the ironing, mended a shirt, swept, and cleaned off all the surfaces on the machines! At least it is clean now!



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1 people know I LOVE comments!:

An Ordinary Mom said...

Wow! You can come to my house anytime. You would probably feel right at home because it looks like we have the same washer and dryer :)!!

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