Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Missionary Events

Besides the Bus Tours, there were other 'events' that were scheduled for us to attend to. One thing that I found great about this 'reunion' was the fact that Shawn only knew a handful of the ones who came. He was only companions with about 2 maybe 3 of the guys, yet we all had great time getting to know one another. We were all there for the same purpose. To reconnect with a part of our spouses life. I would have never thought we would get along so well with everyone, but we did. We made some great memories along the way.
Group Temple Session - It was quite the experience to go through a session, and actually know each and every person that was there. The Spain Temple is literally one of the most beautiful temples I have ever seen. I can't begin to describe how incredible it is. I was especially thankful for the opportunity to go to this. To be quite honest, I have been terrible with my temple attendance. Up until the last few months, I always had a nursing baby...I didn't make it a priority to go...and I should have. (BTW Rhiannon...I probably did meet the Shaw's, but don't really know. I am sure if I saw a picture I would know who it was. :)
Going to the temple brings so much comfort and peace. It helps to bring so much more clarity to what direction my life needs to go. It really made me realize that I need to make more of an effort to attend regularly. I am missing out on so many blessings because of my absence there.

Shawn and one of his old companions...Eddie is such a goof!
Firesides & Meet and Greets- President Shallenberger organized about 3 different events where the missionaries, and members got to get together. The first one I went to, and had a hard time paying attention. They did the whole thing in Spanish, and half way through it...I just told Shawn he didn't need to translate anymore.
I guess I wasn't the only one a little bored because before the next shindig, some of the other wives decided to go shopping instead. I went along, and had fun perusing the shops. I didn't end up finding anything worth buying, but enjoyed spending time with 'just the girls.'

They did end up having a fireside on Sunday evening that we went to. Shawn was able to see some other Spaniards that he hadn't contacted yet. They played a video that showed the progress of the the building of the Spain Temple starting at the breaking of the ground, early construction, open house, and dedication. President Hinckley was around during that time, and hearing him again made me realize how much I miss having him around. He really had such a wit about him.
I was even 'surprised' by the vocal ability that the Spanish choir gave that night. Needless to say the ending had me in tears *wink, wink*. I wish that I could say the tears were provided because of the spirit I felt, but instead they were from uncontrollable laughter. I was kinda off in La La Land while listening to them sing "The Spirit of God" in Spanish. It actually sounded quite lovely until the 'finale' and someone in that choir belted out an indescribable sound. You should have seen the faces of the people on the stand. Unfortunately it hit me funny, and I had to fold myself over in my seat and try to muffle my laughter. I felt awful about my reaction at the time, but find it humorous to look back on now. Sorry to the ones around me.

The visit here to Spain was absolutely wonderful. I loved being able to spend time alone with my honey, and take in the different culture Spain provides. As a bonus, Shawn's work 'needed' him to make a pit stop to the LONDON office. So we left Spain and spent 3 glorious days in London......
More on London coming soon!!!

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2 people know I LOVE comments!:

stacy said...

i am loving all of this information! you guys did so much and i an slightly envious. :) it's good to have time alone to help us to remember why we thought that we should be together in the first place. i'm glad you had it. can't wait to here about london.

Shannon said...

I too think is was amazing that everyone had so much fun together. I wasn't expecting that I would be making friends too. I can't wait to hear more about London. I expect to learn a lot from that post (smile).

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