Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Blur

The weekend before Thanksgiving we headed out to Orange County for our last trip to Disneyland before our passes were going to expire. At Disney they go from Halloween straight to full decked out Christmas. They completely leave out Thanksgiving. We spent 3 full days getting our fill of the Mouse before we headed home to face the week of Turkey and pies.On Tuesday, the kids and I got busy making our traditional Oreo Turkey's. Caden was resolved to make enough for his entire class. He was so excited to share with them. Over and over we separated, frosted, pushed, and set each, and every one of them. Then we just kept going, and going, and going!!! We ended up making enough to bring a plate to each of our neighbors. It was so much fun doing them together.
Although Thanksgiving wasn't until Thursday, after our trip to Disney...I was itching to get out all of our Christmas decorations. This time last year, we were knee deep in boxes. I was doing good just to get out the things that we NEEDED last year. So unfortunately last year consisted of very little decorations, and only our little 3 1/2 ft. Christmas tree. I just couldn't wait to have things really feel like Christmas this year. I figured that no one would be coming to my house for Sydney and I busted out the tree on Tuesday morning.

Picture courtesy of Syd
We spent most the day pulling things out little by little. I revelled in looking at each special ornament, and why we bought it on that certain year. Sydney could hardly contain herself, and wanted to put all of Caden's special ones on before he came home. We turned on the radio, and sang along to Christmas carols. It was wonderful.

Somehow because of all of this...things just blurred together. Thanksgiving came, and we stuffed our bellies. We enjoyed time with family, and played until we could play no more. Then before we could blink....Christmas was here.

I know sometimes we can get caught up in all the hoopla of they season, but I love it. I love the spirit this time of year brings. I love bringing out all of my different nativity's. It really helps me to reflect on the Savior, and why I love everything about Christmas. I love having my tree up again. Nothing is better than coming down every morning to a beautiful tree all lit up. As crazy busy as this time of year is....It is going to be wonderful.

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5 people know I LOVE comments!:

Samantha said...

Your tree looks incredible. I love this time of year as well. Merry Christmas.

Hinkson Family said...

We were at Disneyland the Friday before Thanksgiving! I wonder why we didn't run into eachother...

Tonya said...

that sounds like a very fun blur! I am going to Disneyland in January. I have never been to Cali so excited.

Maranda Whittle said...

Those oreo turkeys are so cute!!

Schatz said...

Yeah!!! You finally updated :) I love reading your blog, glad you're back at it lol :) Loved the pics, glad you had fun!

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