Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Last night when I went to bed, I was pretty sure that I was going to skip the induction. I was really scared about something going wrong, and thought I was going to give it a couple more days to see if I would go into labor on my own. We woke up in the morning, Shawn got ready for work...and I was set to go about my day. My induction was scheduled for 7:30 am, but we didn't go. Shawn left for work, and then the nurse from L & D called around 8. I voiced my concerns about being induced, and after speaking with her. I changed my mind. I called Shawn and had him turn around and come home. We joked that I wanted it to be spontaneous.

We showed up at the hospital, and got set up around 10 or 11ish. Things were slow at first. The baby was in a position that didn't put enough pressure on my cervix to help things along as fast as we would like it. The nurse kept thinking that she would come in and I would be complete. Thank goodness for epidurals because things just went by like a breeze. They checked me around 7 pm and I was only at a 6! I thought this is going to take FOREVER! But I ended up going from the 6 to complete within the hour! The doctor came and our little bundle was born 15 minutes later! It was a wonderful delivery, and we are so happy!

So without further ado...INTRODUCING!
Thomas Dean
7lbs 14oz
19 1/4 inches long

He is perfect in every way! I have to say it was so exciting to have him pop out and have everyone exclaim... "It's a BOY!" I think I actually prefer it this way, but I don't think that Shawn would let us do it again if we have more children. He looks alot like Caden did. Alot more blond features with lots and lots of hair. We also know he as atleast one dimple on his right cheek. One of the funny things is he has a small blister on his hand from sucking on it in the womb! I had never seen something like that before.

I just knew that you all were DYING to hear the news! You can see more pictures by clicking on 'Our Family Pictures' in the sidebar. Thanks so much for all of your encouragment... I truly feel loved!

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58 people know I LOVE comments!:

Anonymous said...

hi crystal!

congrats! he is beautiful! totally adorable about the blister from sucking on his hand in the womb.

so cute how you came over and told me your news just now.

real happy for you and your family. get some rest girl, take care, kathleen xoxo

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He's beautiful!

Phae-Jae said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Little Thomas Dean!!

Congratulations, I'm so happy for your family:D

He is beautiful.

Tonya said...

Happy Birthday Thomas! I knew it was a boy ;) What a little cutie! He is the exact weight of Peanut, too.

Tiare et Mithona said...

CONGRATS!!! He's really cute!! I'm happy he finally came out!;) you must have been very tired to carry him soo long!! Hope you're not too tired and that getting back home and taking care of the 2 others and is not too much...
Take care!

Anonymous said...


He is so handsome! Makes me wish to have another. But, ask me that again later today and I will have changed my mind again. LOL!

I am so happy for you all and hope that you have a wonderful and precious first few days as a family of five.


Stina said...

congratulations!! i'm glad the day came! he is so adorable!

that is so funny about the blister...bekah was born with a bruised tounge because she was sticking her tounge out during the birthing process and samantha was born with a bruised finger and tounge because she was sucking on her finger at birth too!

i'm glad to hear that delivery went so well. i hope everyone is recouperating and resting well!

sheri said...

Wow Crystal! You didn't waste any time getting the news on your blog! What a trooper you are! He's such a sweet little baby and so cute. It was so fun to hold him last night. Love you!

onehm said...

Congratulations! What a fun story! And I'm so glad that everything worked out so well.
Hope that your other kiddos are excited about their new brother!!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

congrats! he's beautiful!! love the name dean too!! i'm so happy that everything worked out for you and that things went smoothly.

love, all of us !

Kim said...

CONGRATS!!!!! I just called Melanie to see if she had heard anything and then came on to check. I think I can see a little of Caden also. Congrats again and can't wait until you come home and get settled in so that I can come and visit you!!!

Katie said...

Congrats! He's so cute! I told you it's more exciting to find out at the birth! Although, Chris doesn't prefer that either, but I have a bigger say in it the way I see it. I don't want to find out with this one and he said I got my way last time and I just told him too bad. I've been miserable for weeks and I'm going to be hotter the heck this summer so what I say goes. Maybe I'm mean, but I know he's not devistated. He just likes to see if he can win...not on this one baby.

Within These Walls said...

Congratulations! He is so adorable!
I'm so glad everything went so well! How fun to be surprised!

Andrea said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is so perfect & precious!! So happy to hear that everyone is doing well!!!

Two little lovebirds said...

Congratulations!!! He is just adorable! I love his middle name, it's Spencer's middle name too :) Congrats again, and if you need anything, let me know!!

Jenifer said...

Congratulations! He looks absolutely perfect! I'm glad everything went great. How fun for your cute family!

Jenifer said...

Okay, I just looked at the rest of the pics and you look fab in the hospital! Way to go! And way to go blogging right after having a baby. That's hard core!

KellyAnn said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful and I don't say that about many babies being a nurse and seeing so many newborns that just aren't cute but he is. I am happy all went well!!

Pam said...

Congrats!! I can't believe how fast you posted this. Go you.

Heather S. said...

Congratulations! What a cute little boy you've got. I'm sure you are going to totally enjoy him. He's a big little guy.

Crazymamaof6 said...

CONGRATULATIONS! he is adorable! that is so exciting. i can see how fun that would be to have it announced! yay and thanks for blogging it so fast.
good for you getting the induction! it really isn't a bad thing. i'd be eternally prego if i didn't have one. WHOOHOO he is sure cute!

Dizzy Kate said...

I'm soooo excited for you and Shawn! Another boy! That is exciting. Congratulations!

An Ordinary Mom said...

This is so incredibly exciting! I am glad things went well ... and a 15 minute delivery? How awesome. My first delivery I pushed for 4 hours, my second I pushed for 40 minutes ... I am hoping this new little one in July will be even better!

Recover quickly! I can't wait to hear all about being a mother of three!


The Earls said...

Yeah!! Congratulations! He is so adorable. I'm glad all is going well.

Carl and Starla said...

I got Shawn's email and saw some pics that he sent and how fun to be so spontaneous! ;) I am really happy for you...Also, don't know how you waited so long to find out that it was a boy. I know Shawn was going NUTS! hee! hee! Congrats!

Webb Family said...

Congrats! He is beautiful & happy to hear everything went smooth!

Abbie said...

Congratulations!! We are so happy that everything went well and that you have a sweet new baby boy. Wish we could come by to see him.

Anonymous said...

Well Congrats Crystal! He is such a cute baby. That is crazy...I swear you just made the announcement that you were pregnant. Crazy how fast a pregnancy goes when it is someone else. :) Hope you guys are all doing well!

Hey when you have a sec. give me your email...

Carina said...


He's a handsome little fella!

I'll tell you what people told me when my little ones were born.
"You guys did a great job!"

Did a great job at...what...exactly? Always makes me curious.

Casey said...

Congrats!! He is beautiful! I bet Caden is so happy to have a baby brother! I love the name Dean! It was one of my choices but my hubby said no because of a kid he knew when he was in 3rd grade. Congrats again! Get some rest!

Maranda Whittle said...

Congrats, Crystal! He's a keeper!

Elisa B said...

Congratulations to you and Shawn! Thomas Dean is a beautiful baby, but then again, all your kids are adorable!

Glad he is finally here and that you felt well enough to post!

Congratulations again and you all are so blessed!


Kylie said...

Congrats!! He is so cute! What a perfect addition to your family! And how fun to have the gender be a suprise! Maybe I'll try that on our next one!!

Tawni said...

Wow, that was a fast announcement! i can't believe you put him on here this fast. he's cute! good luck with everything that is to come.

Lara said...

That's so wonderful that everything went well and he's so adorable! I love that you waited for the extra surprise. Only 9 more weeks and we find out if we're having a boy or girl!

Lori said...

I'm so glad everything went well! He is precious, and I'm glad your induction was a success!!

Smithfamily said...

Im so glad its over for you, and you picked a great day. At least I will always remember it...

Holly Janeen said...

he is a cutie pie!!
you did it again!! :)
we love you!
~Holly and JEff Decker

Amber said...

Congrats Crystal and Shawn! He's adorable. I can't wait for this next six weeks to be over for me too! Seeing your little one makes me want to meet Gracie so bad. I hope you're feeling well. Remember to rest and take it easy.

KatieJ said...

Congratulations Crystal! He is beautiful! I'm glad everything went smoothly- I hope you are all getting settled into your new family!

Susie said...

Congratulations Crystal! Happy Birthday Thomas Dean!

Aprilyn said...

What a beautiful addition to your family! He is perfect!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE ONE. I love babies. They are so fresh from Heavenly Father's presence. I wonder what they think of all this commotion down here.

Half a Dozen said...

He is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations! If (a big If) we have more children, I would definitely not find out again. It was one of the most amazing experiences.

Cindy Price said...

Congratulations! Isn't birth such a miracle? He is absolutely beautiful. Enjoy!

Emy5 said...

Wonderful news and you got to be spontaneous(after the phonecall.) Congratulations to you and your family.

Amy said...

He's perfect. Congratulations you guys! Take care.

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!!! i am sooo happy for you! my nephew was born wed! happy for 2 new little spirits to join this life!

Kathryn said...

Way to go. Such a small fry compared to your other kiddos (a cute small fry). Let me know if you need anything. P.S. I like the name.

Rhiannon said...

Crystal and Shawn Congrats! He is beautiful.

Sherri said...

Congrats on your little guy! I don't think I could've waited to find out with this one just because I would've been set on a boy so much. But I'm getting excited for the 'baby' girl to come. Hope you can enjoy this time and it will be a smooth enough transition for you.

Becky said...

I know there are a lot of comments here already but wanted to add my Congrats!!!
I am so happy for you, and I am glad that everything went well.

Suzanne said...

Congratulations Crystal!! He is adorable! I am glad that the induction went well. So happy for you!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Happy birth-day baby! Yeah! He is beautiful! Congrats and good work! I'll take a nap for ya! :)

Marquita said...

Congrats Shawn & Crystal. Thomas is adorable. Sooo glad that this wonderful day finally came and that everything went well.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so thrilled for you! I know you are so happy he's finally here and that your pregnancy is over. He sure is adorable and I love the name!

Arnell Family said...

He is so handsome! Way to go! You guys make such cute kids!

Bowman Family said...

He is so cute!!! Congrats! I am glad everything went so well. How's life with three kiddos? A really old, wise woman once told my mom, "Once you have three you might as well have eight because it's never going to be the same again."

Is he sleeping and giving you time to rest?

Love ya!

Halvos said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen this many comments on a blog before! Ok, so my mom told me she saw you and your adorable baby over the weekend and I got a little jealous! He is sooooo cute!! I'm really baby hungry right now---where did that saying come from? It sounds terrible when you write it! You know what I mean!! Good luck adjusting...I hope everything is going well! Oh, and Sydney is a mini YOU--so cute! Love you! -Lori

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