Thursday, January 10, 2008

Partners in Crime

The other day Julie came over with her kids before Mason had a dentist appointment. Sydney has recently learned how to open the refrigerator all by herself. She is quite proud of her accomplishment, and continues to get into the fridge, and pilfer it of it contents. She continued to bring me those yummy clementine oranges for me to peel for her and Gemma. After about the 3rd or 4th one, I told her she couldn't have any more. She was upset, but went back to playing. A little bit later, Julie and I went to check on the girls, and this is what we found. They had somehow figured out how to peel the oranges all by themselves! They were "hiding" under the table I have in our entry way eating the fruits of their labor!

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9 people know I LOVE comments!:

Samantha said...

Children? What do we do with them? We tell them no, and they find a way to do it anyway. I love Syndey's smile as she enjoys her orange.

Rosie said...

Be grateful that they were eating something healthy and contained their mess to under the table! These little people get very determined very early!!

Within These Walls said...

Cute Pictures! It looks like they have a lot of fun together.

Unknown said...

awwhh, too cute!

Melanie and Will said...

that's too cute! how can you get mad at that!???

Crazymamaof6 said...

way cute and at least they were eating them, sometimes my kids think it is fun to peel them and then just leave them around. which is irritating. super cute girlie's under that table!

Anonymous said...

They do look like they were up to something! :)
Cute photo.
Isn't it amazing how fast they learn to do things by themselves when they WANT to!!

Have a great weekend.

Staci said...

Ha Ha! They are SO CUTE together! I can't believe they figured out how to peel those oranges themselves...that is what being 2 is all about!

Heather said...

At least they were eating clementines and not sugar like I used to sneak when I was little. Wait, I still sneak sugar.

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