Monday, February 25, 2008

52 Blessings Project - Week Eight

The 52 Blessings Project
Once a week post a photo of something you are most grateful for. This gives us a chance to reflect on the good things we have learned from or that have made us better in our everyday lives or things we just enjoy! I think everyone needs to be more grateful for what they have now instead of always thinking about what we want! This is one of the things we can do to be more gracious people. It will be like a photo gratitude journal.
Week Eight

I have often thought how it would be to live in another part of the world. The third world countries where your 'bed' is basically the floor. Being a flight attendant, I have slept in many different beds. Some hotels have better beds than others, but really in the end...nothing beats sleeping at home. This week I am thankful for my bed. It really is one of the most comfy things in the world. People sometimes laugh when they see my bed in person. It is huge, or should I say tall. From the floor to the top of the mattress it is almost 40 inches. I sometimes feel like a kid because I have to 'climb' into bed. The kids love all the room underneath that they have to play. Anyway, there are times when Caden has a hard time sleeping, and I will sleep in his bed for a little bit to get him settled back down. It is amazing the difference! When I climb back into my bed, it is heaven. I am thankful that I live in a country that doesn't sleep on the floor! For me, it truly makes a difference!

If you would like to visit other peoples 'blessings' just go to Gardenview Cottage for a list of participants!

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14 people know I LOVE comments!:

Tonya said...

I did chuckle to myself when I saw the step stool next to your bed. I was thinking about your little pregnant body climbing into that bed ;)

KellyAnn said...

I totally agree with you. Whenever travelling I can't wait to be able to sleep in my own bed when I get home. I was recently in China with those beds that are nearly on the floor and hard as a board. Not to fun!!

Samantha said...

I love my bed too. Our bed is about 40 inches high as well. Thankfully I am tall and I don't have to crawl into bed. I just have a hard time kneeling beside it when I pray.

Wendi said...

Thank you for the kind words on my blog today.

I love your bed!! I'm so tired right now, I think I'd be grateful to sleep on the floor even right now though. But your bed looks great.

Andrea said...

WOW! your bed is tall but beautiful. A comfy bed is so important, especially when you're pregnant. You are almost DONE!! Hope you're feeling ok. When I would hit my last 3 weeks, I usually felt really DONE!! Hope the last few days are good to you!

*katie said...

What an awesome bed! I too love, love my bed and don't sleep as well - ever - when sleeping elsewhere. Love the step stool!

Pam said...

Great blessing. I totally agree.

Heather said...

♥ the step stool. But I guess the bed totally works for Shaun, long legs and all. Looks super comfy.

Staci said...

Your bed is BEAUTIFUL!!! And looks quite comfy!

I can't believe you have a step stool for your bed...that is awesome!

Kim said...

I would LOVE to have a tall bed. But it didn't work out that way. I love my bed also and as a matter of fact I think it is calling me

Unknown said...

just got back from a weekend in a hotel and I know exactly what you mean!!!

and happy anniversary!!! (i saw your comment on cairnsliving blog)

Timid Scorpion said...

We had a bed like that once, Andy tall and like things up high, I did not mind it much until my son rolled off it, I had andy lower it. I miss it being high but I did not want to chance my kidos getting hurt. I hope you have better luck.

Cindy Price said...

Can't imagine life without my bed!! Great blessing!!!

Lori said...

A great thing to be thankful for! And hopefully soon you'll be snuggling on that bed with your new little one!!! Good luck with everything! (And don't stress if you have to get induced. I was induced with all 5 of mine, and had wonderful deliveries!!!)

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