The end is near...
I got up this morning very hopeful. My doctors appointment was at 9 am. I have had dreams in my head of him telling me that today was the day (despite the fact that I didn't really want a leap year baby). I know I should be more patient, and life is going to be alot more crazy once this third child comes into our lives, but I can't help but be anxious.
So I went in...he checked...and nope...nothing. I maybe dilated a half of a centimeter to a 2. He did strip my membranes again, but still nothing. I think this baby is already showing me how stubborn they are going to be. I guess I make things a little too comfortable for him/her. I have tried to make myself feel better by telling myself that I think they had my due date wrong to begin with. I had originally thought that I was due on March 15, but then they did an ultrasound and said March 7th. I wasn't going to argue about having my baby a week earlier. But maybe that is why I haven't had much progress yet.
Anyway, my doc was nice enough to put me on the induction list for March 6th. So at least there is a 'light at the end of the tunnel'. I really am hoping that I can go into labor on my own. I have never been induced, and a part of that scares me. I have heard of people having no problems at all. Yet, I have also heard of people getting induced when their bodies weren't ready, then not being able to progress, and end up with an emergency c-section....that is something I do not want. So I am torn. I want this baby out, but I also am afraid of something going wrong if I am induced. So lets all cross our fingers that I can actually go into labor before the 6th. :)
We are planning on going to the zoo maybe that will give this babe a push in the right direction! Wish me luck, and I will keep you posted!
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So you have 6 days at the most! How exciting. I will be praying for you.
Just relax and have fun with your family! Maybe relaxing will help that stubborn babe decide it's time to meet you!
O.My.goodness. right now is worse than Christmas Eve as a child! I remember all too well:D
Soon you will be holding that sweet bundle in your arms!!
March 6th is a great day...Its Karlys birthday. You dont have to have them start you on that day if you think you might not be ready. Your body has done this before on its own and it will again,... Good luck.
March babies are the best!! (jk...that's when I was born...though I was really due in April)! We can't wait to meet him/her!!
we are doing the zoo tomorrow too. maybe we'll see ya there. and yeah going into labor on your own is the better way to go. i've been induced 5 out of 6 times and only had one go not great. but still healthy baby. good luck. and yay for a not leapyear baby.
I know you are anxious, I do, really. But speaking as a mom of three, keep that little one in there as long as you possibly can!! There are times when I wish I could shove ALL of them back in there just so I don't have to listen to three whiney voices all day long (joking, of course).
I would be happy to share my thoughts on induction with you - I was induced with 2 of my 3.
It'll be over before you know it! I think we are all excited as you are to see if the baby is a boy or a girl!!
We'll be thinking about you. I really hope your baby decides to come very soon. Hopefully the zoo will work. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. : )
i know very little about being induced. when i was whining to one of my neighbors about them inducing me, he said the rate of a c-section goes up to about 50% & there's a higher chance of infection. but lots of people do it!
My 3rd was the hardest for waiting, a week overdue. That is why I induced on my 4th. I missed that excitement with the induction, which is why I am not being induced this next time. And I always have only dilated to a 2 at the most, not a fun thing to hear. I hope you can enjoy this week as much as possible and find peace in your plans.
wow! you're almost there!! and it's so wonderful having a new little spirit in our home and lives! I'm excited for you and your family- there's just nothing better!
I agree with the above statements- just be patient and let nature take it's course...inducing can lead to a c-section and I don't recommend that since I'm one recovering from that...ugh! but it was worth it for our little eden and my recovery's been slow, it's been going well lately.
anyways, good luck and remember you're in our thoughts and prayers!
Good luck! I hope the zoo did the trick.
Enjoy the moment. When my third child came along, life just got plain crazy!!
Hey Crystal, it's just not fair if you always have your baby before your due date. Your Mom and I always went over. Ha!! Good luck honey, we're rooting for you to have the baby when it will be the safest. Love you sooo much!!
I was all over the induction after the first was 12 days late! I had the next 2 induced and was all set up for induction with the twins when I went in, I didn't need it! Good luck! Get out baby, your mamma's tired! :)
I was induced with Easton. It really wasn't bad at all :) I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!
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