Monday, August 15, 2011

Random tiredness

I am tired.

I think it is this darn heat. 

It just seems to drain all of my energy.

Because of this, my brain does not want to work....thus making it hard to come up with thoughts for a post.

Well...actually I have alot of things on my mind, but to actually write them all out tonight is more than my brain can handle! :o)

So tonight I am just going to jot down some things I want to write about in the future.

*some hobbies/skills that I want to acquire.
*my thoughts about my backyard
*my love for the color YELLOW
*my extended family
*my aging children (next month Caden is turning 8!!  Such a magical number for my religion)
*dating my spouse
*catching up on my travels
*Grayson's milestones

Really there is so much more, but it will have to wait for another day.  Hopefully I can get my posts done during the day instead of right before I go to bed.  It helps when you can actually think! 

Night, night!

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3 people know I LOVE comments!:

tammy said...

I'm having the same problem with blogging. Either that or I just am too busy doing other things to actually form thoughts into a blog post.

dailylinkbuilding said...

blogging is my leisure activity

jimi said...

blogging is my leisure activity


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