Tuesday, January 30, 2007


After 3 1/2 years we finally got together with Justin and Kristi! WooHoo! Justin called me over the weekend and we set a time to "play." Since they hadn't seen Caden since he was a newborn and have never seen Syd I thought we would bring them. I think I had temporary amnesia of how hard it is to actually have a conversation when you have two little kids with you at a restaurant. I am now making a mental note...get a babysitter. :)

It was okay at first. We met at B.J.'s Restaurant at around 6:30 pm. Caden was excited to sit in a booster, and Syd did okay in her highchair. As we were getting settled, chatting away, and trying to figure out what to order...Caden proceeded to play with the blinds, and Syd started having a fit because she didn't want to be buckled into the highchair. We decided to have Caden trade places with Kristi so that he wouldn't have access to the blinds, and I wouldn't have to man both kids. That worked out pretty well. We finally figured out what to eat, and placed the order. Then tried to have a conversation while Syd continually threw whatever was in her reach onto the floor. Then Caden actually told me that he had to go "potty" (yay!). I excused myself and took him. He still has to take off all of his clothes (minus the shirt) to go so that makes public restrooms soooo much fun! The food was great! I am glad that Justin recommended it. We finished up and continued talking while our kids wandered a bit around the restaurant. Thank goodness it wasn't too busy. It was still a great time, but the kids do make life interesting.

Justin and Kristi went on the same Hawaiian cruise that we are going to be going on for our Anniversary. They gave us alot of pointers on what we should do to make our trip more enjoyable. It is kinda nice to know things before hand. They had alot of fun on their cruise, and hopefully so will we.

It was so nice to see them and catch up on what they have been doing the past couple of years. We even are going over to their house on Monday for a BBQ. (without the kids :) I hope to be able to keep in better contact with them and not let years go by without seeing them.

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1 people know I LOVE comments!:

An Ordinary Mom said...

It's always fun to catch up with old friends.

That is great you get to go on a cruise ... one of these days :) !!

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