Sunday, January 7, 2007

Take one

Here we are at the beginning/end of another week. Sunday's are always bittersweet. Shawn leaves early in the morning for his meetings. That leaves me to get the kids ready and get to church. It has been an interesting year having Shawn in the Bishopric. It has been a blessing yet also a challenge not having him around. I truly have a deep respect for all the women who have had family members in the bishopric. It is still nice to be able to renew yourself each week, and be able to reflect on the blessings that I have in my life.

Before church I tried to prep Caden for Primary. I showed him the gift his teacher gave him, and got him excited. After sacrament meeting Caden actually did okay. He walked in the the primary room, but wouldn't sit down. I left him and he did okay. After church he told me how you are supposed to "fold your arms and walk like this." I think that he had alot of fun, and is getting used to the idea, but still says that he doesn't want to go to Primary. Sometimes I think that he just says he doesn't want to go because I want him too. We will see how next week goes.

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